Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I am pursuing...

As one year quickly draws to an end and another begins, it's the perfect time to reflect over the past year.  Remembering how the LORD has answered so many prayer requests, so many "what ifs".  How His perfect plan collapsed all your fears.  Those fears, which almost kept you paralyzed are now forever forgotten.

It's also the perfect time to ask ourselves the question, "What am I pursing?".  Or to put it another way, I am pursing...  How would you finish the sentence?
One online dictionary defines this word as to strive to gain or accomplish.  If you were to ask your spouse or a close friend what they thought you were trying to gain or accomplish, what do you think there answer would be?  Would it be to love others as Christ loves, to put off sin and put on righteousness, to build up the body of Christ by practicing your spiritual gifts and hiding His Word in your heart?  Pursing these things brings joy to the heart and peace to the soul!  We can find ourselves pursing many things, but only one thing truly satisfies our longings. 
"O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!" (Psa 34:8 NAU)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! Something to reflect on as I look back at the past year and look forward to the one to come . . . may my pursuits be of the kingdom!
