Thursday, July 5, 2012

After the Accident

Our Pastor at The Bible Church of Beebe was in a serious auto accident about a month ago.  He sustained a broken neck, fractured skull, 2 broken arms and exeptionally large hematomas on both hips, which had to be drained.  The Lord provided a wonderful team of medical doctors to literally put his broken body back together.  Throughout this whole process, Pastor Brian Rickett has asked everyone to, "pray that God would be glorified through these circumstances and to remember that God ultimately has a good plan for all suffering.  And we know that is is only in Christ that suffering has true meaning, significance and value.  (Romans 8:28-30, 1 Peter 1:6-7, James 1:2-3)."

While Pastor Rickett was still in the hospital, he addressed the church body via a wonderful tool called facetime.  We would like to make his address to our church family available to you as well.  Just click the following link:
Address from hospital